Here is the complete list of question banks for Air Navigation and radio aids subject.
General Navigation
- The solar system
- The earth
- Time and conversions
- Directions
- Distances
- Magnetism and compasses – general principles
- Aircraft magnetism
- Principles direct and remote reading compasses
- Charts
- Representation of meridians,parallel,great circles and rhumb lines
- The use of aeronautical charts
- Dead reckoning navigation
- Use of navigational computer
- The triangle of velocities ; methods of solution
- Elements required to establish dr position
- Calculate dr elements
- Construct dr position on mercator, lamberts and polar stereographic projection charts
- Range Specifics – Radius of action, Maximum range
- Miscellaneous DR uncertainties & practical means of correction
- Flight log
- Purposes of (FMS) flight management system
- Inertial navigation system
- Alignment procedures
- Accuracy , reliability , errors , & coverage of INS IRS
- Flight deck equipment & operation
- INS Operation
- Directions , magnetism & speed
- Solar system & time
- Practical navigation
- Relative velocity
- Point of safe return & point of equal time
- Flight Instruments – Air Data Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- Magnetic Compass
- Pressure instruments & radio altimeters
- Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS)
- Flight management system (FMS)
- Automatic flight control system – Flight Director
- Autopilot
- Flight envelope protection
- Yaw Damper
- Automatic Pitch Trim
- Thrust computation
- Auto thrust
- Auto throttle
- Warning and recording equipment – Warnings general
- Altitude Alert system
- Ground proximity warning system
- Traffic collision avoidance system TCAS II
- Over speed Warning
- Stall Warning System
- Flight Data Recorder
- Cockpit Voice Recorder
- Power plant and system monitoring – Pressure gauges
- Temperature gauges
- RMI Indicator
- Consumption gauge
- Fuel gauge
- Torque Meter
- Vibration Monitoring
- Remote (Signal) Transmission Signal
- Electronic Flight Display (ECAM, EICAS)
- Chip detection
- Helicopter specific – automatic flight control systems
- Components – Operation
- Stability augmentation system (SAS)
- Automatic stability equipment
- Gyros
- VHF Direction finding
- VOR & Doppler VOR
- Distance measuring equipment
- Instrument landing system ILS
- Microwave landing system & radar principles
- Global navigation satellite systems
- Airborne weather radar
- The use of current aeronautical charts
Radio Aids
- Ground direction finder DF ( Including classification of bearings)
- ADF ( including NDB’s & use of RBI)
- CVOR & DVOR ( including use of rmi
- DME ( Distance measuring equipment)
- ILS (instrument landing system )
- MLS ( microwave landing system )
- Basic radar principle
- Ground radar
- Airborne weather radar
- SSR ( secondary surveilliance radar
- Use of radar observations & application to in flight navigation
- General philosophy
- Types of area navigation system input
- Instrument indications
- VOR / DME area navigation ( RNAV)
- Navigation systems
- Loran c
- Decca navigation system
- Definitions of terms and speeds used
- Take off and landing performance
- Climbing and cruise performance
- Importance of performance calculation
- Definition of terms and speeds
- Elements of performance
- Use of performance graphs and tabulated data
- Take off Performance
- Accelerated stop distance ASDA
- Initial climb
- Climb
- Cruise
- Descent and landing
- Practical application of an airplane performance manual
Mass and Balance
- Introduction to mass & balance
- CG Limitations
- Loading
- Mass limits
- Mass calculations
- Air craft mass check
- Procedures for determining aircraft mass & balance
- Effects of overloading
- Centre of gravity
- Balance of forces and moments
- Basis of CG calculations ( load & balance documentation )
- Securing of load CG
- Basic calculations of CG
- Area load , running load , supporting
- Mass & Balance details of air craft
- Extraction of mass / balance data from documentation
- Determination of CG position
- Load and trim sheet
- International re positioning of CG
- Floor load and running load limits
- Securing of load
- Centre of gravity
- Mass & balance limits
Flight Planning
- Instrumentation publication
- Topographical Chart
- Point of equal time (PET)
- Point of safe return
- Miscellaneous charts
- Revision Questions 1
- Revision Questions 2
- Flight plans cross country flight Navigation
- Flight plan cross country flights
- Measurement of tracks & distances
- Completion of pre flight portion
- Fuel plan
- Fuel for holding or diversion
- Fuel Reserves
- Total fuel requirements for flight
- Completion of pre flight portion of fuel log
- Flight monitoring & in flight re-planning
- Calculation of actual consumption rate
- In flight re planninag in case of problems
- Communication frequencies
- ICAO ATC flight plan
- Completing the flight plan
- Filling the flight plan
- Requirements of the state
- Closing the flight plan
- Adherence to flight plan
- In flight amendment of flight plan
- Practical flight planning
- Navigation plans
- Simple fuel plans
- IFR(Air ways) flight planning
- Selection of routes
- Extraction of tracks & distances
- Frequencies & identifiers
- Minimum en route altitudes
- Standards instrument departures
- Etops
- General flight planning tasks
- Selection of altitudes & flights levels
- Preliminary study of instrument approach
- IR Flight plan exercises
- Jet aeroplanes flight planning
- Computation of critical point (CP)
- Practical completion of a flight plan
- Completion of fuel plan
- Computation of air traffic plan