General Navigation
- The solar system
- The earth
- Time and conversions
- Directions
- Distances
- Magnetism and compasses – general principles
- Aircraft magnetism
- Principles direct and remote reading compasses
- Charts
- Representation of meridians,parallel,great circles and rhumb lines
- The use of aeronautical charts
- Dead reckoning navigation
- Use of navigational computer
- The triangle of velocities ; methods of solution
- Elements required to establish dr position
- Calculate dr elements
- Construct dr position on mercator, lamberts and polar stereographic projection charts
- Range Specifics – Radius of action, Maximum range
- Miscellaneous DR uncertainties & practical means of correction
- Flight log
- Purposes of (FMS) flight management system
- Inertial navigation system
- Alignment procedures
- Accuracy , reliability , errors , & coverage of INS IRS
- Flight deck equipment & operation
- INS Operation
- Directions , magnetism & speed
- Solar system & time
- Practical navigation
- Relative velocity
- Point of safe return & point of equal time