This page contains links to full subjectwise exams for EASA pilot trainees. Click on the module to access the link. Exams are accessible only to premium EASA PRO package holders. You may subscribe one here.
010 Air Law
021 Airframe, Systems, Electrics, Power Plant
- Airframes & Systems full
- Engines & powerplants
- Aero Engines and performance
- AC-DC Electrics, semi-conductors, computers, logic gates
- Emergency fire-fighting and oxygen
022 Instrumentation
031 Mass & Balance
032 + 034 Performance (Airplane + Helicopter)
033 Flight Planning & Monitoring
040 Human Performance & Limitations
050 Meteorology
061 General Navigation
062 Radio Navigation
070 Operational Procedures
- Operation procedures (ICAO Annex 6)
- Special Operational Procedures and Hazards
- Emergency fire-fighting and oxygen
081 + 082 Principles of Flight (Airplane + Helicopter)
091 + 092 VFR + IFR Communications
- Communications (General)